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You guys'll probably find this one amusing... First, a bit of background, though...
I've been planning on doing a nice bit of modding to a Sonata2 to use as a display machine; however, due to the amount of modding and painting involved, it would likely take me about two weeks from start to finish for the paint alone. Unfortunately, I didn't have that kind of time available before a little 'opening party' that was thrown a couple weeks ago... so... I decided to use a cardboard box instead.
It was actually surprisingly difficult to get things mounted in there...then again, I don't normally build computers into cardboard boxes. Also, all of the tubing and stuff was cut for the Sonata, so it's kinda crazy in there (with a little extra wire mess thrown in for added ghettoness).
A64 3000+ Venice (haven't had time to overclock yet...)
1GB Crucial Ballistix PC-3200 (borrowed from personal gaming rig)
DFI LP NF4 Ultra-D
Water Cooling: Silverprop Cyclone EvolutionSE (CPU), Silverprop Cyclone FusionHL (GPU), BIP2, Swiftech MCP655, and 7/16" ID Tygon tubing.

Fun with the fish-eye lens...

The wall prints are on loan from my parent's photography studio, in case you were wondering. ...and the default WinXP background is there because I had just installed the OS the night before. Yay for procrastination... ;)

My kid brother playing NFS:MW

Anyway, I can't wait to find the time to overclock it (especially since my warehouse/office gets really cold). At stock speeds (which really isn't saying much) the CPU is idling at 22°C...which is a mere 4°C above the ambient room temp!
That's 4°C assuming that the thermostat on the wall a few feet away is somewhat accurate and assuming that the temps reported by nTune aren't just FUD, of course....
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